Daisy Yin (CAD, Coding)
Darye Ji (Interaction, Coding)
Hanes Hsu (Rendering, Interaction)
Divita Chillakuru (App, Interaction)
Fusion 360, Adobe Creative Suite (XD, Ae)
KeyShot, Arduino UNO
4 Weeks
Spring 2020
Project Brief
Making a smart interactive product
We worked in a team of 4 to create a smart product that utilizes programmable sensors to heighten the experience. We would have to identify our target audience and create a product that resolves their needs, while also being technologically viable. Initially, the final deliverable would have been a fully-functional physical model. Sadly, due to the pandemic, that fell through and it remained as a digital concept (it was still very fun to design!)
A snazzy learning toy for kids
Star Snare is a drumming game set that aids beginner percussionists through the basics of rhythm and dynamics. Our product, Star Snare, is a Learning Kit that hopes to garner early interest in percussion through targeting 8-10 year olds and teach students the basic of keeping a beat, an invaluable skill for any musician.
Learning Goals
Hit the drum on beat to the music and app display
Shown through the presence of lights, the LEDs on the drum should light up at the same time as the indicator on the screen.
Match the dynamics to the app display
This is shown through the COLOR of the LEDs and the different colors on the screen. Your LEDs on the drum should match the color shown on the screen depending on the dynamic represented.
Develop an inherent sense of rhythm
When the user reaches advanced, the indicator and beat matches up exactly, indicating that the user has completely learned the song and how to keep rhythm.
Develop muscle memory
As the user progresses through the levels, muscle memory is built and there is less of a need for those visual cues. At the end, users should rely solely on the sound to play to the beat of the song!
Final Product
A Space Themed Drum
Once we had our user input and outputs detailed, we got to work dividing up the tasks. We made sure to ideate the designs in unison so none of our portions looked out of place as a whole. For this project, we had to CAD our model, design the branding and app that pairs with it, code the sensors in Arduino UNO, and render a video of the experience. We initially also had to make a physical, working model, but due to COVID-19, this was changed to be completely digital.
App Layout
Since the app was for a game, I chose to keep the colors lively and keep as much of the content as empty as possible. We wanted it to appeal to children by the bright popping colors and spinning planets. To create the game experience, we grouped up to create the interactive portion.
App Interaction
This video displays how the gameplay would appear as you play. You are taken through a landing page, instructions, and then a song selection page. Once you select a song, it’s time to start playing! Your goal would be to match your dynamics to the color of the blobs appearing on screen. Beginners would have a slower tempo, so that they can learn the beat first.